«The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.» -Henry Hazlitt

In 1976, Universidad Francisco Marroquín awarded Henry Hazlitt an honorary doctorate in Social Sciences.
Why Is It Called Henry Hazlitt Center?
Henry Hazlitt Center honors Henry Hazlitt, an American journalist specialized in economics and business.
His best-known work is Economics in One Lesson; concise and instructive, by reading it you learn about the economics of a free society. Another of his great contributions is The Foundations of Morality, a book that deals with the ethical foundations of capitalism.
«The causes of inflation are not, as is often said, 'multiple and complex,' but simply the result of excessive money printing.» -Henry Hazlitt
What Do We Teach?
Nuestros cursos son:
Ethics of Liberty
What is the relationship between ethics and how a society develops?
Economic Process I
What are the spontaneous mechanisms of social cooperation?
Economic Process II
How are government economic policies analyzed and what implications do they have for life in society?
Philosophy of Hayek
How did life in society emerge and how did the institutions that make cooperation possible between man arise?
Philosophy of Mises
What are the principles of human action?
Economic Process Seminar
How do the current challenges of each profession relate to the principles of a free society?
«If we did nothing else, therefore, the consequence of fixing a maximum price for a particular commodity would be to bring about a shortage of that commodity.» -Henry Hazlitt

These are an opportunity to hear high-level speakers share their ideas and experiences on classical liberal issues.

The Economic Process Contest
Students broaden their knowledge of the Austrian school of economics by analyzing texts from the CEES series Tópicos de actualidad (current affairs).

Investment Simulator
A contest from which students gain a basic knowledge of investing in the stock market.

Colloquia on Liberty
An outreach program that teaches the principles of classical liberalism to UFM professors and administrative staff, and also students from other universities.

Henry Hazlitt Book Club
A club in which students, assistant professors, professors, and the general public expand their knowledge of Henry Hazlitt’s works.

Activities for Faculty Members
Colloquia and seminars in which current affairs and academic texts on classical liberalism are discussed.
«Like every other tax, inflation acts to determine the individual and business policies we are all forced to follow. It discourages all prudence and thrift.» -Henry Hazlitt
Get to know Austrian Economics
Get to know Austrian Economics with these conferences, enjoy them!
Peter Klein talks about the increasing interest entrepreneurial activities have had during the past years, and explains its relation with Austrian Economics by describing the many contributions made to entrepreneurship. After explaining the meaning and components of an entrepreneur, Klein points out the fundamental categories of action according to the Austrian School of Economics and mentions several names of people, within the Austrian tradition
Economic liberals that adhere to the Austrian School have long criticized government intervention. In this conference, Jerry L. Jordan analyzes the 2008 economic crisis from a liberal point of view. He talks about the real estate bubble in the United States and explains that the crisis is not the same as previous economic recessions due to the complexity of the many elements that influenced it.
Bruce Caldwell is a respected university professor specializing in economics and the history of economic thought. The purpose of the talk is to explore the evolution of education in a rapidly changing world. The speaker argues that education must keep up with the times and be designed to help students discover their true selves.
He discusses the upcoming release of the first volume of the Hayek biography, which includes information on the 1947 Mont Pelerin Society meeting.
«When each of us is free to work out his own economic destiny, within the framework of the market economy, the institution of private property, and the general rule of law, we will all improve our economic condition much faster than when we are ordered around by bureaucrats.» -Henry Hazlitt
El Pozo Económico (The Well of Economics)
El Pozo Económico is a virtual library, where you can learn the fundamental principles of economic sciences from the perspective of the Austrian school of economics.
Students who take courses at Centro Henry Hazlitt can use El Pozo Económico to delve deeper into these ideas. It is also a great source of knowledge for anyone interested in learning more about the Austrian school of economics.
Content includes academic readings, bibliographic recommendations, media articles, and videos that will help anyone to continue learning.
«Capitalism is merely the name of a system of economic freedom. With such a system, political and civil liberties flourish and are secure.» -Henry Hazlitt